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Tom Briant

The MacValley blog

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Changing Settings in MacLinkPlus and Classic-On-Intel

Now that you’ve successfully converted a lot of old Word 5.1 files, you’ve got questions. Such as:


1. What if I want the Unix icon in Classic-On-Intel to point to a different folder besides /Users/Shared? What if I want to use an external USB drive?

2. How do I change the file format I translate my old files into? Like, how do I make it Rich Text Format instead of Word 97-2004?

3. What other file formats can MacLink Plus convert besides Word 5.1?


Okay, question #1 about using a different folder on your hard drive or a whole different drive. DON’T CHANGE IT!

Classic-On-intel works well because all the pieces fit together. Don’t try to change them. You can’t reach some of the settings without digging into the application itself and possibly screwing it up. Think twice!!

End of discussion

Fine, but what about MacLink Plus? Can I change its settings without screwing up the works?”

Yes, you can. 

The Preferences for MacLink Plus are not in the place where OS X apps put them. Instead, you want to go under the Edit menu.


5 MLP Preferences under Edit menu


You choose the preferences through cascading sets of boxes with double-headed arrows:


6 preset preferences under MLP 11


Jon has the preferences set to what should work for most users. 

You translate word-processing documents into Word 97-2000 .doc format.

You translate spreadsheets into Excel 97-2000 .xls format.

You translate databases into Dbase IV format. It was the industry leading microcomputer database back in the day.

You translate graphics into GIF format. 

Now if you click on the double-headed arrows at the right of the translator preferences for each type of document, you get a range of choices. Some will be archaic (WordStar?) and some will be useful such as Rich Text Format. although you have a choice between RTF for Mac and RTF for Windows.

In all honesty, stick with these defaults for word-processing and spreadsheets. Your current office programs can read those formats. 

As I mentioned in the previous article, the MacLink Plus 11 manual comes in PDF format in the MacLink Plus Tech Support folder within the main MacLInk Plus folder in Applications. Refer to it. 


Tom Briant

Editor, MacValley Blog



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