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Tom Briant

The MacValley blog

Editor: Tom Briant


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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Both Apple AND Android are winning (H/T to Arnold Woodworth for these articles)

Apple and Android are BOTH Winning the Smart Phone Competition

The whole mobile phone market is converting to smart. Apple is taking the high end and Android is taking the rest.

Samsung and Apple between them make almost all the profit in the mobile handset industry.

"winning" means different things for Apple, Samsung or Google.

Look at slide number 11 of this slide-show (titled "Dominance of Apple and Samsung").  It's a real eye opener.

Experts warn that the end of net neutrality would mean that deep-pocketed content providers could squeeze others out.

Net neutrality is being eroded on several fronts.

Despite the threats to net neutrality, the fact that any FCC regulations exists at all will limit how far ISPs and carriers will push the matter, says Tim Wu, the Columbia Law School professor who coined the term "net neutrality" 10 years ago.

Why It Matters:

The continued openness of the Internet depends in part on ensuring that Internet businesses treat all traffic in roughly the same way.

I do think it is a good idea to put like 0.5% (that is 1/2 of 1%) of your portfolio into bitcoins, because if they end up becoming a de facto currency in the digital economy, you'll make 100x your money on them. If not, you lose 0.5% of your portfolio on them.

Get in on the wearable computing bubble

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