The MacValley blog


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Tom Briant

The MacValley blog

Editor: Tom Briant


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The end of MacValley as a corporation and rebirth as a blog...

Ever since the MacValley board decided to end MacValley as a formal user group with monthly meetings and a newsletter, I’ve needed to write something for my world-wide readers.

Macvalley broke down for three reasons in my opinion.

The first was the Great Recession of 2008-? A lot of our members had to decide what optional expenses to cut. MacValley was one of them.

The second was an aversion to night driving. A lot of our membership doesn’t like to drive at night. I know as I advance in age, I prefer to drive in the daytime. As our meetings were scheduled at 7:30 PM on the first Wednesday of each month, a lot of members decided to forgo them.

The third was-surprise!-the Internet. A lot of our members and ex-members turned to the Internet for information. A lot of young Macintosh users never knew anything else but the Internet.

Which brings me to this blog and other on-line ventures. For right now, the blog will offer tips to new users and links to news articles. As for other on-line offerings, I will roll them out in the future. Right now, I work two jobs, one during the week and one on weekends.

Tom Briant

Editor, MacValley Blog

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