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Tom Briant

The MacValley blog

Editor: Tom Briant


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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WikiDrinks at MacValley

(This is e-mails between me and Ken Gruberman. I am calling it WikiDrinks.

No, I am not bringing any liquor to tomorrow night's meeting. Thursday is a work day for me and we can't get people sloshed this early in the season.

But anyway, come to tomorrow night's meeting! Looks like lots of fun. Ken will take your questions about the Mac, the iPad, why he's not hosting the Oscars, etc.

If you want to bring your own cookies, you are welcome to do so.)

On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Thomas Briant wrote:

To All:

I've got the cookies (one box of chocolate chip, one box of oatmeal raisin), Juice (2 jugs of Apple juice), and glasses (10 oz) from Costco. Receipt will go to Shirley with annotations.

The tequila on the receipt is strictly for me.

Hey! Share some of that with the rest of us! We could finally have a *real* Holiday party! :)

Looking forward to Ken's presentation.

Me too. Now, in all honesty I can present Hallmark Card Studio in about 10 minutes. Is there anything else anyone would like me to demo?

I want to get his opinion on the iPad vs every other tablet.

That's simple: there's the iPad, and then there is … every other tablet. No comparison.

So far the best the other tablets can say is that they're cheaper. In every respect.

Indeed. It's just like all the iPod knockoffs that came out a year or so after the original iPod was introduced. They got the form-factor thing down, but the one-thumb operation and super-transparent user interface thing? No one else figured that out. They still haven't. Ever tried to use a SanDisk MP3 player? Or a Zune? I have.

The OS is the key, and that's where iOS shines. Android is … OK … using an Android phone is like what the iPhone would've been like had it been designed in Soviet Russia of the 60s. It works, it's utilitarian, but that's about it.

As for Apple and Mac news, the Mac rides high. If you're gonna get an iPad, might as well have a Mac to go with it.

Ya sure, you betcha!


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